Yes, there was a hope
A hope of her approval
Until no words crossed between us.
Yes, there was a hope
A hope of her understanding
Until no feelings touched us.
Yes, there was a hope
A hope of her company
Until we walked apart.
Yes, there was a hope
A hope of her care
Until we kept ignoring each other.
Yes, there was a hope
A hope of her affection
Until even knowing we behaved as strangers.
Yes, there was a hope
A hope of her love
Until I didn’t propose her.
But yes, this hope of being her love
Yes this hope, will never fade
This hope will be like a shadow to me
And yes, I will wait
I will wait till eternity
Maybe one day
One day, a silver lining of this hope
Might combine my love with her soul.
Yes, slowly and steadily
This gap decreased, words
Crossed between us, and
Feelings touched us.
But all gone
All gone, faded and torn
With her one word ‘NO’.
Yet, there is a hope
Yes, there is a hope
I could visualize it
That she might
She might say ‘YES’ someday.
And yes, for that someday
I will wait
Yes, I will wait all-day
All-day, all my life.